Monday, October 12, 2009


Hi Everyone!

Just a short blog and some pictures to let you know what I’ve been up to :) I’m going to the UK on Tuesday and have been here for 3 months. STILL cannot believe it really. It’s been a full house the last couple of weeks with me, Helmut, Eva, Eleanor, Sophie, Rach, Jessie, and of course Octaveo all together. Though recently Jessie has moved out coz she finally found a place to live in Heidelberg, which is where she’ll be studying for three years. The biggest thing that’s happened is we (me, Eleanor and Soph) went to Paris for three and a half days! J It was beautiful, and full of American tourists with their unfortunate accents. There were some people from England though, which I followed around and grinned like an insane person when I heard them. (Berri, I really do need you to come and restrain me in UK, pretty pleasseee?).

So, the checklist for Paris - We stayed at a bed and breakfast and had an amazing breakfast every morning and the place was lovely. We visited the Notre Dame, Eiffel Tower, Versailles (inside (incredible and completely overwhelming) and the gardens - classical music playing through speakers hidden in the hedges, it felt like I was in Pride and Prejudice, ok the gardens were pretty different from ‘English’ ones but still very grand, very big, very gorgeous), La Sainte Chapelle, tunnel where Diana was killed :( We visited The Louvre but didn’t get nearly as much time as I would have liked. It was pretty amazing though, the only disappointment being the Mona Lisa, I dunno if anyone has seen Madeleine, but in one episode they go to the Louvre and the Mona Lisa gets stolen and they find the culprit and all is great. Only, the ML is HUGE in Madeleine and when I finally got to the room where it’s displayed in all its ‘glory’ with a guard and lots of Asian tourists around taking photos of themselves with it I stopped dead in my tracks coz it’s tiny. I LOLed and said “it’s TINY!”....Eleanor said “yes, but we all knew that”....i tried to explain Madeleine and how awesome it was in that, really should have just kept my mouth shut hah :( There were lots of other things amazing there though and the ML outrage was soon overcome by all the other beautiful and old and famous paintings, sculptures and rooms..

Other stuff...We went Heidelberg to check out the castle there, went on an overnight hiking trip in France where we were up quite high and lots of lovely views. Been on some other walks with randoms to check out even more castles and forests and places :) Went to the border of Switzerland yesterday, but it was the town next to it we were looking at, it was raining though and a little depressing as we spent over 10 hours on the trains getting there and back.

Sorry none of that is in much detail but I know you’re all busy and I actually want to be able to tell everyone someone new when I come back. I really love you all so much, cannot believe I’m off to the UK tomorrow! Missing you all, thanks for the emails/letters etc people have sent, they’ve made it so much easier to be in a strange country. Hugs and giraffes,

Sofie xoxox


  1. Hey Sof!!!
    Sounds like you had a great time in Paris, I'm si jealous, you got to see Versailles! I studied it last semester, the word for that style of landscaping is Western European Classicism but nobody wants to know that, not even me lol. The king at the time wanted a big lake for his palace so he got the army in and told them to dig...

    anyway, everything back here is just normal, nothing ever happens haha. cant believe you have been gone 3 months already! time flies when you are having "fun" at uni... just a few weeks left now :)

    ah living in adelaide feels so pointless and provincial after hearing about you running around europe!

    great to hear from you, we are all missing you heaps!

  2. Hey Thanks Jolly!!! so lovely to hear from you :D i'm in UK now! ekk, saw my uncle john today for the first time in 18 years! so werid. yeah i didnt want to know that haha. i bet he told them to dig, gah poor things, is pretty spectaular now though so kinda worth it for us :D

    well i hope you guys are having fun as well as studying (it IS possible) and be ready to PARTAY when i come back ok? good.

    love you all too, can't wait to see ya again nick, thanks for ya message :)

