Friday, September 4, 2009

Life and Fotos :D

these sweetcorn fields are everywhere along the bike tracks came around the corner and this aweomse site presented itself :)
NO HANDS!! haha i'm just really proud lol
The Queen Kings concert
The Beat Brother's concert
Forest :D i love this place
ZKM from the outside.
one of the things inside. go into this black room with 3D glasses on and all these videos are spinning all around you right in front of your face, so cool, bit like 3D movie, but you're WALKING around it it, then you could use this remote to point to one and it's come out really amazing!!!!
Hey big hugs, smiles and love to you all!!
I cannot believe I’ve been here 2 months now! That seems like an awfully long time but has absolutely flown by. Haven’t been up to too much since the epic adventures of Koln and Sweden but there’s still some stuff to write about so....
With Rachel at school I’ve spent my days bikeriding, walking and exploring. I caught trains to Karlsruhe by myself which i was quite pleased with, seemed so scary the first time, now i can’t believe I thought the map didn’t make sense! I went to the media museum ZKM, which was brilliant, and thanks to Eva I got in free (she’s always looking out for free concerts, promotions etc and the month of August all entrance was free). It was completely amazing, there was some of the weirdest things I’ve ever seen in there. It was all set up really cool and there was lots of things to look at, werid movies, pictures, interactive stations, walls, pictures, music, all pretty swish, wish more of the descriptions had been in English though coz a lot of it was so random and I had no idea what it was lol.
In Kandel there was a festival over the weekend with music and food etc. Me, eva and a family friend and her husband went twice. On Friday we saw the ‘Beat Brothers’ – a cover band of the Beatles, they were awesome, it was a small stage, but packed with people, we were right up the front, unfortunately by the end there was a huge group of completely drunk guys on a buck’s night, 2 of them got on the stage and started singing in one of the band’s mics, got so ridiculous lol. But they had mad guitar skills (the band not the drunk loonies) ohh and lucy (sister) - one of the band looked just like the guy out of ‘Across the Universe’!! Then on Sunday we saw ‘The Queen Kings’, who were, dahh... a cover band of Queen. They were great as well and had even madder guitar skills. I love going to these festivals, there’s been about 4 now. Wish we had stuff like this in Adelaide coz it’s free, the music is fantastic, heaps of people. Because Rachel wasn’t there (studying for school, they’ve heaped a crapload of stuff on them for year 13 and it’s only like the 2nd week!) I walked around by myself for a while, and sat on a fence for the entirety for the concert, which was a great view. I felt so old, couldn’t go too near the front coz it was just too loud, and didn’t reallyyy want to dance with eva and her friends lol. The other day I rode my bike to Karlsruhe, it’s a half an hour car ride so quite a bit by bike. Took about 6 hours there and back by the time I actually found the route, by accident. It’s cool though, I’m getting to know the bike tracks and I’ve got my favourite ways to go now and can just ride along (no hands of course haha) and enjoy the weather. I cannot express how incredible it is to have all these flat surfaces and great roads to ride bikes on, it’s one of the things I’m gonna miss the most I reckon, whenever, I can just grab my bike - which I’ve finally decided is called Jezzy, and go along and guaranteed on either side they’ll be a forest or fields or a crop of sweet corn or sunflowers, and hardly anyone else on the tracks, it’s just gorgeous. And then I went to Karlsruhe again yesterday with Eva and then wondered around, shopping (got a bag J) and looking at all the discounted summer clothes, SO weird clothes shopping by myself but I liked it. It’s been getting steadily cooler the past couple of days, I’m happy though, I love the cool weather as long as it doesn’t rain, but I know it will
That’s about it except for some gardening and hauling wood from their random small paddock out the back, eating some fine food and reading. I’ve now consumed most of the English books they have in their house, except a couple of sci-fi ones ek. As usual I’m loving it here, it’s a quiet village, quite similar to where I live really, but completely different of course. But quiet (except when roosters are crowing or the darn church bell is ringing every hour haha) and homely and beautiful. I miss you all of course, I’m really enjoying myself though and the time has gone so quickly. Thankyou for you emails, every one brought a grin to my face and made my heart SING!! Hehe so thanks :D
I love you all!!! Many greetings, giraffes and grins, hope Adelaide is coping without my redheaded awesomeness....Oh my gosh Berri guess what!?!? – The Neverlands is having a meeting of redheads this weekend, and people are coming from heaps of different countries and they’re all gonna...i dunno what, can’t read German and it was in the newspaper, but how exciting is that!??!!? Wow. God bless,Sofie xoxoxoxoxoxooxxoxoxox

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