Friday, June 19, 2009

12 Days. Yea, that's less than 2 weeks.

Hey Guys :D
It's weird, the closer my trip gets the faster time seems to go. Europe and all that awaits is dangerously close. I wish you guys weren't all in exams. Pretty bad time to go away eh? Just before you actually get a break from all the work lol. Parents are standing over my shoulder as i write haha, poor things, they're losing their only good daughter (as people that have seen my sisters in action will tell you, or they better, or they won't be getting any presents haha). Actually while i'm on presents, you should all know by now that i'm pretty terrible with them, so if there's anything SPECIFIC that you would like please tell me. Can't wait till my going away party, seriously, if i did not have the lovely friends at work i'd go mad with not being in contact with real people (no, my family and customers dont count hehe), anyway yeah, really looking forward to seeing you all. anyway...that was a whole lota nonsence lol, mainly coz i'm bored and i've really not got that much else to, hugs and giraffes as always :D xox


  1. Hello lovely!!
    Hannah and I also have a blog, so if your wondering who 'chronicles of birds' is... It's yours truly. Haha! I will see you tomorrow for our last shift together for 6 months!! So sad :( miss you already! Thanks for the gorgeous letter also! Such a great idea!!!
    Love you Daves xo!

  2. Soph!! your blog is lovely :D yay!! xox

  3. ok...haha sorry, i'm just trying to work out how people can comment if they don't have a profile on blogger. if you don't have facebook either you can just select 'anonymous' (but please write your name after lol) but if you have a facebook just select Name/URL and do your name and then you're facebook URL (mine's etc...xoxox
