Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Still in Good ol' Deutschland, not for long tho hehe :D

Hey friends and family (and pets), yes family I DO expect you to read this to Sully and Gilpie :D On Wednesday i’m going on the church Sweden camp for two weeks (that’s half the time I’ve been here! It already feels like I’ve been here forever lol), ekk, thought I’d catch up on the blog before I have a months worth of stuff to tell ya!! Lol............I’m sorry...this is gonna be a long one lol...if you’re really that interested then go ahead but I wont be mad if you don’t read it all haha....
17th July Friday– went painting! Biked it to Eva’s friends house where she had a gorgeous room with paint pots and the walls all painted, so pretty
we painted for bout 2 hours, just watever we wanted, abstract etc. Me and rach were the only people over 10 lol. The little kids all painted the same thing lol, a island with a palmtree on it. Ah dear, I’d like to do an experiment with kids one day, put them all in different rooms and see what they paint as opposed to all together. Afterwards we went to rach’s youth group – deeper. That was really cool. They sung English songs at least haha, and I met a really nice girl called Teresa, she’d been in Australia and loved it and could speak awesome English, I got a free drink from the ‘bar’ coz I was new. They sung songs, had a talk by a cool guy called Stephen (which is a really common name here I’ve realised) but I couldn’t understand a word. And then we watched a movie – ‘No Reservations’, which is in English, but they watched it dubbed into German, and then put the subtitles on for me in English!! Hah it was hilarious. Such a lovely movie too :D. I also met another girl who’s name I forget, but she looked about 18 but was 22, spoke awesome English as well and had just been to Africa translating from German AND French into one of the languages in Africa for her course she’s doing...WOW!!
18th July Saturday- wow. Awesome day. Me, Helmut, Rach and Helge went on a 10k walk to visit 4 castles (or the ruins of what once were castles). We got lost at first and had to climb up a nearly vertical slope argghh I nearly, nearly died lol. But then it was ok and we got to the first castle, so SOOO amazing!! And old and beautiful, a lot of it was still there and you’re able to climb on it and all that. When we were on the top Helmut told me to look over to one side and he pointed at this massive forest in front of us and said once half was France and one was Germany hah. Of course there was no difference, but it was cool standing nearly in the middle of two countries lol. The weather was of course really lovely and then by the time we’d got to the second castle it was completely pouring with rain lol. German summer lol. We then passed another castle and me rach and helge braved the steps (they were steep, wet and slippery lol) up to the top and were rewarded with...mist so we couldn’t see a thing lol, still really cool tho. We walked back, didn’t see the 4th castle coz it was just too wet and we were tired. We had lunch at some random place and then drove to the ‘Thermalbad Baden-Baden’ (like a indoor bathing place, so nice, all heated and with these places you can sit and it’s like a spa but like in a seat in the pool, and spouts of water. Anyway we spent hours there just swimming and mucking around. In the main pool inside there was a mirror on the ceiling so when you were floating you could see if anyone was coming hehe. I don’t have any pictures from it coz you weren’t allowed to bring your camera. But it was really lovely. Afterwards we got an icecream and went home, fell into bed, so tired, some days are just lazy and nothing happens, we just read or play canasta, guitar and eat lol...and then other days about a hundred things happen and you can hardly stop for breath.
19th July Sunday - went to church, nice service, obviously a lot of funny stuff was said but I didn’t get a word lol. A few people were baptised and I realised how similar it is to Australia in many ways. Went home, and had spaghetti was salmon sauce, WOW, so good. I asked Eva if she has a recipe but apparently she just makes it up!! Then Eva and Helmut went out till about 11pm lol and me and rach just played cansta (I spilt milk ALL over the cards and then rach won by about 3500 points) *CRY*
20-22nd July Monday to Wednesday - Monday we went shopping for ‘quickdry’ stuff for Sweden, I got a shirt, swimming top and a rainjacket (which I didn’t have) so that was awesome to get that. Also Eva’s friend lent us both a heap of stuff so we wont have to buy it. We also went blueberry picking in Berg with Eva, her friend that lent us the clothes and also the one we went painting at the other day, Iris. Iris’s daughter and Powl, her grandson, arghhh he’s so so cute I love him hehe. Played some guitar with rach playing piano aww was cool, had a blueberry milkshake hehe sooo yum!! And bike ride with Helge and rach. He had one of those lie down bikes! Very hot lol. Tuesday went shopping in Karlshure for some paint, Eva found the one she wanted and was very excited. Afterwards in the afternoon me, rach and helge went down to the ‘pool’ in Neuberg. We biked it there, it was about 30C!! The pool’s just a massive lake, but the clearest water I’ve ever seen, there were lots of people coz it was so hot but it was just lovely and the water was all sparkly, *sigh*, I reckon I liked it better than a beach. There was a kiosk and we got some icecream (that seems to be all I eat here lol) and then did some German wordfinds haha, we must have looked like such nerds. Lol. Wednesday we got to chop up the old coathanger thing they had coz they were getting another one from Ikea. (which they pronounce Ekea lol). So much fun, got to really hit it lol. Tried to learn rollerblading with helge and rach, I was a lot better than I thought I’d be, I just can’t stop lol. When we got home we watched ‘The Jane Austen Book Club’ on my laptop eating helge’s mum’s wedding cake coz she’d just got married again lol, yum. The movie was awesome I loved it...and in English with German subtitles hehe yay.
23rd July Thursday – went for a walk. Had potato pizza for lunch, so gooood! Want the recipe but they made it up again lol. Practiced guitar, still rubbish but getting better J we had to run over a baby chick that had fallen out of a tree in the driveway with the car coz it wouldn’t have survived and we couldn’t think of a more humane way to kill it, ugh it was sad. We went to a free Barbara Clear concert coz Eva and Rach really like her. I did too by the end, she’s got an amazing voice and guitar skills, mad. Had a funny conversation with some random guy who asked about my ‘fair trade 40HF’ t-shirt that I find myself wearing every second day coz I’ve only got 3 tshirts lol. When he realised I wasn’t German coz rach was translating what he said he’s like “ohh so you’re from down under ay?” (lol everyone calls it down under hehe). Then he went on bout the Aboriginals and that they’re getting in way of compensation for the whole stolen generation and what the government is doing. He seems to be quite informed but it just sounded like he was having a go at Australia lol, which is prob justified since the Aborigines haven’t been treated that great at all and are still disadvantaged after all these years. The rest of the concert was good and she got a standing ovation, and so she should, so good for a free concert in a nice place with comfy seats front row seats!!
24th July Friday – Eva and I left about 9am to go pick wild mushrooms with Dave (Iris’s daughter’s husband) who’s Australian and lives in the Blue Mountains (they just came from Australia to visit Iris) and photographs dogs. He was funny and it was AMAZING to hear an Australian accent after all this time. His was more Australian that mine, was hilarious. We got heaps of mushrooms. The place we went is ‘top secret’ and only Eva knows about it, so there were heaps there. It was in a forest (plantation) and we went up and down the rows of trees looking for the mushrooms. We went back to Iris’s house to show off our findings, Dave declared us the ‘hunters’ lol. Went back home and “listened to Adam and Joe, BUT I listened to the podcast not the live show” (lol lucy I really miss singing that with you all the time, I sing it anyway though lol). We prepared the mushrooms and then went back to Iris’s house to cook lunch together. Was fun, there was about 11 people altogether including Iris and 2 other random guys and the grandma, Iris’s two daughters, dave, helge and rach and eva. Phew. The mushrooms were made into a sauce kinda thing and we had a sort of noodle, but it was different and one of the best things I’ve ever tasted. The food is so so good here. Mmm. Desert was strawberries and cream with chocolates and biscuits. It was funny, we had two Australians and 9 Germans, which was nice coz we all spoke more English than there would have been if just I’d been there lol. Later that night me and rach went to ‘Das Fest’ a MASSIVE festival, mostly young people and lots of loud music and food, and it’s FREE, but you’re not allowed to bring any drink or food in with you. So amazing though, they’ve got quite famous bands playing and it’s free. Soooo many people though, and all drinking and smoking lol. Got on the tram and it’s absolutely packed. Lol some guys must have heard me and rach talking English coz they drunkenly asked me where I was from, I shouted Australia!! And then ran away with Rachel lol. I had to hold her hand the entire time we were there basically coz if you’re not joined onto someone and you’re trying to get through the crowd you lose them lol. We watched a couple of hours of concert, and met up with Helge and his brother and brother’s friend. Went back to a friend of Helge’s place, gosh they were charismatic, hmm not really but there was nice fire burning and we kept warm at least. It was about 12 at night then and we met up with Teresa (from rach’s youth group) back in the Fest and then all drove (6 people in a 5 seater car lol) to Maccas and had a ‘McSunday’ lol for 1 euro. By the time Helge dropped everyone home it was about 1:30am lol. All in all a VERY busy day lol.
- this is me, Rach, Teresa, and Malta's friend all in the back seat of the car ekk lol.
25-26th July – Saturday and Sunday - slept in so late Saturday coz of the night before, eventually went downstairs but Rachel would let me in the kitchen and made me go back up to my room lol. In a while she came up with a tray, she’d made me breakfast in bed nawwww. Bacon and scrambled eggs on bread, tea, natella and jam (not altogether tho of course). Don’t get much better lol. After lunch we went for a bike ride. Well, I rode a bike and Rach rollerbladed. We went down to the Rhine and had peppermint chocolate while watching the ferry go across the Rhine and back lol. I’ve learnt to cycle without hands, a fact I am incredibly proud of lol. There’s so much lovely flat area that I can go really fast and then do it without hands, coz I can’t when I’m going slow. I might even post a video, I’m that proud, seriously...i just always thought I’d be one of those people who would just never be able to ride a bike without hanging on for dear life, or be someone that can skip stones, which I forgot to say I learnt to do the other day!!!! I was literally jumping for joy lol. My best was 5 skips (is that was you call them? Or is it bounces?) I dunno but I was really pleased I’d learnt something hehe. Saturday still at about 3:30pm me, Rach and Eva went to Karlshure and stayed till about 12:30 lol. Me and rach looked around and especially at the ‘castle’ there that I’d seen the last time but not had a good look at We also went around the gardens, which were beautiful and played a bit on a playground
Then we went to Das Fest again, I brought a bag lol for only 2.50 euro :D and it came with little badges saying Das Fest hehe. We wondered round a bit, gah there were so many people, absolutely crazy. Lastly we saw a band, there was no singing, but they had a sax, trumpet, bass, drums and keyboard and were awesome!!!! Everyone was dancing, and it was in this little tent with about a hundred people packed and around gah. On Sunday I woke up at 8, promply feel asleep again and woke up at 10, realising what day it was. Lol everyone except Helmut had slept in and missed going to church. After everyone was up and breakfasted we all went for a bike ride through France and Germany, couldn’t tell when one ended and the other began lol, just assumed we did go through France coz we needed our passports. On the way Helmut told me all this stuff bout WW2 and this ‘pond’ we went to and about the legend of this gold chariot that crashed into one of the rivers you ‘can sometimes see when the moon is full, but if you touch it you die’ hehe. He’s funny. We got ice-cream, I promptly spiled some of it down my shirt, actually down rach’s shirt since I was borrowing her top lol. But it was very very nice, caramel with salt, boysenberry and marshmallow. We biked back and there was this AWESOME path with all these beautiful sunflowers lining one side with the field behind it *sigh* I’m really gonna miss the bike rides when I’m back in the Hills...lol After we came back me, Rach, Helge and Malta (Helge’s brother) went to the fest AGAIN lol...didnt like it this time, too many people. We got up on the hill and had a good view ............. But then I tried to get down again and go for a walk around while helge and rach stayed and listened the main stage, I should have gone straight down the hill because I got squished between people for about half an hour trying to get out, everyone was shoving so much!! Argh...there was a time where I would have fallen over coz everyone was pushing so much but because we were so packed together everyone around me was holding me up lol. Anyway when I got to the gate where I came in to wait for the others to go home there were hundrends of people behind it trying to come in and booing because they wouldn’t let them, I couldn’t understand what the police were saying but I reckon there was just too many people. Lol one guy made a run for it and this quite large security guard went charging after him, I was in stitches lol. THEN a lot started wading through the river that run along the outside of the place Das Fest was held. It was SO funny, people were taking off their pants and wading through and then putting them on again. So gross though coz Sunday was the last day and for three days straight there’s been guys peeing along the side of the river instead of using the stand up toilet things provided. But the guys were being all heroic and carrying the girls across and all that lol. The police came to the bank but fat lot of good they did, they were just laughing and letting them through, I spose if you had to go around for the whole night in wet pants that was punishment enough haha. Finally we got everyone together and went home. Me and rach watched ‘Step Up 2’ on my laptop and ate black potato chips, so good.
WOW YOU MADE IT CONGRATS! And now it’s Monday...and really all I’ve done is pack for Sweden, walk octavio, eat and type this blooming thing up lol. Missing you all heaps, love you all. Mother and father could you please print this off and send to grandma or let her know what’s happening coz I just know I wont have time tomorrow thanks. Hope life in general is going awesomely for everyone. :D LOVE. HUGS. GIRAFFES. God bless, i’ll be back in two weeks :D xoxoxoxooxoxoxoxox
Ps. I had the weirdest dream about Coles turning into this really weird place and I’d just got back and they’d made a really small Coles and then a big one. But it was all really different the registers were really high and strange colours and you could see all these bakers with baker’s hats on behind the registers and other rooms and stuff and you could see the checkout chick through a little hole but that was all. Argh it was horrible...and SOPHIE! Oh my gosh, please don’t ever dye your hair black, because you had!! In my dream and you were this awful goth person and were completely zoned out and I was so worried lol. Ohh and tell Robyn she was in the dream as well, I talked to her for a bit (in the dream) and she was all angry with me coz I hadn’t sent Coles a postcard or something HAHA!!! man it was so real, I woke up scared as. (ohh and friends, I have had dreams with all you guys in it too lol, I’m not just dreaming about Coles haha....it’s just this one was last night and I remember it coz it was so amazing strange).

Friday, July 24, 2009


haha prob terrible quality sorry!!! i love you chels!!! sorry this is late, thought it was the 17th of july yesterday, and i still have a week to send you something!! ah dear... lol hope everything goes well and you had an awesome day xoxoxox

Friday, July 17, 2009

sorry just one more

i KNOW the thing is spelt wrong, i'm loose in europe not lose....i'll try and change it argh. but i do KNOW lol....oh and by the way belle they all love twilight over here and read it in english, halarious :P xox

Some pictures for ya :D

- rach and her boy! Helge :)
- the church at the camp
- the school group from the camp
- me in the wet walking...the SAME day as the picture below lol
- walking the 29watever K's...argh lol
- the lovely forest
- in the forest after 5 K's of uphill wetness lol
- i love her!! yay :)
- rach on the way coming down from the top
- this is my lovely AWESOME room...argh i love it
- at Frankenberg....beautiful houses
- In Alsfeld. this is me and Eva's sister that we visited...
- me and rach at her AFS meeting mucking around lol
- picking blueberries (Heidelbeeren)!! :D


HEY EVERYONE!! Here’s the update...i’ll just do it by day coz that’s easier, argh, lot to catch up on. First of all I’ll just say I’m having an AMAZING time, being with Rachel is awesome, she’s just gorgeous and so easy to live with, and her family is lovely too. Her mum I get along with great and she teaches me Deutsch everyday which is...interesting lol.
Oh...Rachel says...”I’m sorry for stealing Sofie...actually, no I’m not really sorry, coz it’s awesome having her here”...nawww my own personal cheer squad hehe.
So far...
- I’ve learnt that ‘slugs’ are called ‘Nacktschnecke’...which means...wait for it...NAKED SNAILS...bahahaha I love it. - In the toilets the buttons for the flush are massive!! - Public transport is ludicrously expensive and complicated (for me anyway) - They have words that are English words but mean something totally different lol. - Every view is amazing, the houses are amazing, everything is....pretty spectacular looking J - The German words I thought I knew I’ve had to learn all over again, because I’m not pronouncing them right. Say “ich bin”, like we learnt at school. I can tell you now you’re doing it wrong lol. Unless maybe you’re Emily or Lucy (stone) :P - They say ‘s*** happens’...all the time haha I just thought that was funny - Whoever said Germans are unfriendly obviously were not in a good mood or in Germany lol. The ones I have met are all WONDERFUL, and speak English too which is great :P two relations of Eva (Rachel's mum) have given me money (!!) they all smile a lot and joke and laugh and wish me a great time, such nice people. - I have noticed though that people don’t really say ‘hi’ to each other on the street if they’re passing, that’s different. - And this one’s for you soph/chris/tom/anyone else from work – not ONLY do the checkout ppl here get to sit on lovely comfy chairs, but they also don’t have to pack the bags, at all, or really acknowledge you lol. - Ohhh AND the cigarettes are just sitting there for people to grab. Actually at one of the checkouts there was kinda a vending machine thing and a guy pushed the button of the one he wanted and it came out a shoot and onto the counter!! Wooh...:P
K, now for what I’ve been up to. It’s been....14 (?) days now. I cannot believe that I feel like I've been here for ages and I’ve done so much lol...time for...a very short RECAP :D 6th July Monday – went to rachel’s school, she only had two classes and English was first. I read a bit for them from a text they were studying, they’re doing pretty hard stuff!! 7th Tuesday – went to school again, sat through their ‘School without Racism, School with Courage’ assembly. And then participated in a mass thing on the oval with the hundreds of students, and we made words and they photographed us from the sky with a crane and mini helicopter lol. Then went to Karlsruhe which is a beautiful city, from every street you can see the ‘Schloss’ (Chateau) which is beautiful.
8th Wednesday – Drove to the Pilgrim place for the monastery camp, 5 hours or so in a car with 4 other girls lol. Fun :D they were really nice. The one that was driving went 170kph!!!!!!!! (in a 120 zone!! Argh)....got to the place and did some talking and stuff with our guide Sebastian, and sat in on the monks ‘prayers’. Lol there was this really quiet bit and one of them sneezed, oh my gosh I nearly lost it in a fit of giggles, it was terrible.... umm we have our own rooms and the place was really nice.
9th Thursday - prayers at 6:30, breakfast. And then embarked from 8am till 6:30pm on a 29kilometer WALK. Argh. It was so long and hot and then rainy and then storms and lighting and then sun and then rain again lol. But it was so much fun, even walking 5kilomerters uphill mostly in the rain!!! Got to know a few of the girls and they were so lovely and we spoke very simple English with some Deutsch thrown in lol. Conquered the walk after getting lost for a couple of Ks L, lucky I had Dorothy with me ekk...
10th Friday – we did some reflecting with the group, which was interesting coz I couldn’t understand anything they were saying and they were all laughing lol. Umm then we all wrote on things for each other saying nice things, and they wrote in English for me, so sweet. One said “For me you are like Charlie Chaplin, a little bit.” Haha. Then we drove the 4 hours home. Lots of singing ‘Wicked’ in Deutsch while I sung in English lol. Arghh fun fun fun :D after we came home me and Eva dropped Nam off at the airport (Nam was their other student that had lived with them for a year, she was LOVELY and I wish she could have stayed longer coz we really got along well. Haha we’d try to talk german together (which is her third language!!) or English...which was hard lol. Then me and Eva went to her parents place, Oma and Ompa (grandma and grandpa).
11-14th Saturday-Tuesday - We were in Frankenberg (rach couldn’t come coz she had a meeting on the Sunday). In that time picked wild blueberries and mushrooms, saw a couple of hours of “Paddy Goes to Holyhead”, which is an AWESOME German band, that sing Irish rock kinda songs and in English, so so ooooo good. They were extremely talented musicians. Went to the festival there, saw some old churches. Had some ‘Bratwurst’, the traditional sausage of Frankenberg (I think), which was really nice. Eva taught me some guitar!! I’ve learnt, D, A and G....doesn’t sound like much but I’ve never been able to play G as a chord and then change and it was so nice to nearly kinda get it lol. We ate lovely food and talked (well they did). Rachel’s grandparents are just lovely, didn’t speak much English at all but we got on fine. Hmm, then we came home etc, rach has dyed her hair red!! She looks gorgeous hehe.
And...the 15th of July – Wednesday – was pretty amazing. Rach knows some people who are doctors, and she asked if she could do some work experience with them. And since I want to be a nurse I thought I’d tag along as well. We got there and had breakfast with the doctors who had just had rounds. If at anytime I wished I could speak Deutsch, it was now, or even understand it, because it was frustrating not knowing everything they were saying, like rach translated what she could but it’d just be awesome if I could hear if straight off. After breakfast we got on our lovely green pants, tops, shoes (like crocs), hair net things and masks and proceeded to watch some surgeries. So so interesting, we were right there next to the tables and watching the guy do the operations. They had ones where they put a camera inside so they could see what they there doing, WOW the body is incredible. They asked us if we’d like to help, rach had already felt a little sick so she said she wouldn’t but I volunteered. I had to wash my hands like crazy, walk around with my arms out so I didn’t touch anything, put on the gown and gloves, hehe then I was ‘sterilised’ and was able to stand right at the table with the surgeons and hold the camera going into the person for them. The big screen was right in front and it was just incredible. But I was really hungry by that point and the room was really walm and dark and I was standing side by side with the surgeons and the table with all the instruments and completely close in. Ok, so I nearly fainted :S...i felt so dizzy, not coz of the blood, but just the heat and being hungry having to stand still for so long, man I was so annoyed!! They said it happens to everyone but I was so embarrassed. I told them I felt dizzy and they took over and I had to go sit down, then I met up with rach and we had lunch then they said we could go home coz it was all kinda finished for the day, but we’ll be back tomorrow to do some more stuff. Wow, lol I never thought I’d be in a hospital seeing these things when I planned my trip. :D
today i did work experience again there...and i got to hold open a massive cut in someone's stomach with two fork like things while they tried to remove a hernia, well i think that's what they said..!!! haha and then everything started to go black again because they were burning the skin underneath for something and it smelt really bad and it was hot and i had the mask on and all that again....:(and i nearly fainted...AGAIN...i was so so sooo embarassed and annoyed!!! we also got to see the inside of some guy's arse lol which was pretty werid, they stuck a camera up there (arghh!) and then we could see inside...very interesting lol. that grossed me out more than all the blood and holding open the wound and all that lol.
My love to everyone, please let me know how you’re all going, my days are so long and full here that i havnt been blogging as much as a thought I would. Be then again, when the weather is so awesome I don’t really want to lol. Family I miss you dearly, but I’m being very VERY well looked after so don’t worry. Friends, I miss having you around, I’ve got one friend here and she’s incredible but I still miss you guys to bits, what’s been happening? Any news? Any new men to talk about girls...or girls to talk about nick? Hehehe LOVE , HUGS AND HORDS OF GIRAFFES. Sofie xoxoxoxooxx

Monday, July 6, 2009


that's the view outside rach's window... wow. Hallo! ich bin sofie und ich kommon aus australia....dunno if that's spelt right, i can say it though hehe....couldn't really think of anything more imaginative for the title. man its been so full on..ohh hang on, ö ü µ ß hehe they are on the keyboard. and the z is where the y should be!! so confusing! lol. i went bike riding today through Neuberg past all these gorgeous fields and crops, got chips at this kinda restarant place thats a ship with all the restarant inside it, pretty cooool. and the Rine, river, was beautiful and sparkling :D sigh, its so lovely here. everything is beautiful, everything!! its so so awesome to see rachel again, hehe she hasnt changed, is just as crazy as ever. yesterday we went and visted her brother Tobias. he was really nice and the view from his apartment was amazing, it was so pretty and there was so many flowers, lol and when i looked closer i realised it was a graveyard :S...we cooked lunch with him, an african dish i think, with eggfruit, lol which we have grown in our garden but i dont think i've ever had it. umm then after that we went to a friend of rachel, Sylvia's going away party. she was in the same program as rach and is Italian and had a year in Germany. she's really nice, and can speak english too, a little bit. at the party we roasted sasuges Today we went to church. it was a service for the young people, and run by them who had been baptised (but this kinda longer process with mentors and all that)...i think, it was all in german so hey, i'm not really sure argh. ohhh but the songs were in english!! they sung 'Jesus you are my best friend..' and songs like that haha, twas funny...um then we went to rachels AFS meeting, the organisation that sent her to australia, lol that was interesting, she didnt know many people. k it's really late and i have way too much to say but for now, i love you all so so SOOOO much, really missing everyone quite a bit.....god bless xoxoxoxo

Saturday, July 4, 2009


Wow, ok i finally made it yay :) this keyboard is pretty weird. the y is where the z should be, freaking me out lol. anyway the flights went awesomely and i found everything ok. i'm in rachels house now. its so so beautiful here, absolutley gorgeous, i'll try and load some photos soon. im pretty tired at the moment, just went to sleep for about 2 hours, been such a long day, and apparentally it doesnt get dark till around 11pm!! crazy. rachel says hello and she loves you all. we went into France today hehe and brought some stuff, then went to a place where they grind all their own flour and picked some up. gah my eyes are closing again, but must not go to sleep again or ill stay like that till tomorrow. love you all so very much xox